Samyoung M-Tek, Leader of the industrial materials manufacturing!
Harmony Unity
Morality Sincerity
Creativity Challenges
Fast Accurate
SAMYOUNG M-TEK manages the quality of its products by securing a safe and efficient quality control system over its steel products for shipbuilding and other industries, under the vision of 'Harmony Unity', 'Morality Sincerity', 'Creativity Challenges', 'Fast Accurate' for the satisfaction of customers.
Strict quality management system
Secure quality level that customers can satisfy
In order to fulfill the vision, every member of SAMYOUNG M-TEK is committed to realizing the company's goals in quality management.
SAMYOUNG M-TEK established its own quality control system to satisfy expectations of ISO- and KS-level customers, clearing responsibilities and rights of all bodies and their members that can affect product quality. Members of SAMYOUNG M-TEK understand the strict quality control policy perfectly, and work to achieve the goals in quality control by following the QC system in every process from production and sales to services, for customers' satisfaction.